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Accumen Shapes upgrades it's network and expands existing factory into new premises

Accumen Shapes is a New Zealand company that manufactures lightweight decorative mouldings and insulation products. They were founded in 1991 and have been growing steadily ever since. They upgraded their IT infrastructure and expanded their premises by 200% with Sustainable IT Solutions as their technology partner.

(Example of moulded facade of a building / credit Accumen Shapes).

According to the business owner Josh Mainwaring, they needed to address a number of problems before they could expand their business:


Outdated systems. Their IT systems had become obsolete and vulnerable to security threats without regular maintenance and updates. They were susceptible to data breaches, system outages, and other disruptions that could have damaged the company’s reputation and bottom line.


Increased risk of cyberattacks. Not having a solid security posture, they were vulnerable to cyberattacks. This is because attackers constantly seek ways to exploit vulnerabilities in outdated systems and unpatched software.


Loss of productivity. Employers regularly needed help accessing the systems and applications required to do their jobs which lead to lost productivity.


Increased costs. When Accumen Shapes experienced IT problems, they often have to pay for costly repairs or replacements as one off fees. This can strain their budget and make it challenging to stay competitive.

They knew that without an experienced technology partner that their proposed expansion would create more problems than it solved.

Our Solution


Sustainable IT Solutions Ltd is a Managed IT Service Provider that engages with businesses on a subscription basis and specialises in helping small and medium sized businesses. They worked with Accumen Shapes to assess their needs and develop a customised solution that met their specific requirements.


The planning phase took four weeks and was handled as a Sustainable IT Solutions Onboarding Project. Our team worked behind the scenes setting up the Accumen Shapes new infrastructure.

The solution included a new server, network, new wireless access points, and a security system. These were documented, proposed, sourced and installed. Sustainable IT Solutions also provided ongoing support to help Accumen Shapes get the most out of their new IT infrastructure.

Josh conveyed that Sustainable IT Solutions’s fleet of technicians successfully minimised the impact on operations during the onboarding, with clear communication and efficient planning allowing staff to continue their work with minimal disruption. Although there were some minor issues to address, Sustainable IT Solutions provided enterprise-level service in terms of quality and speed.

The Results

The new IT infrastructure has helped Accumen Shapes improve its productivity and efficiency and move into their new premises with confidence. They have also improved how they protect their data and systems from security threats.Accumen Shapes is confident that they can continue to grow their bu siness with the help of Sustainable IT Solutions – their IT partner.

Josh said, “Before we engaged with Sustainable IT Solutions, we had little direction or planning with our technology and IT set up. Right from the start they listened to our needs and together we formulated a plan that we were happy with that ensures our new factory and office setup are future-proof. We believe we received excellent value for our money.”

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